Thursday, March 19, 2020
Le Cubisme essays
Le Cubisme essays La Le dbut du XX sicle tait une priode trs prolifique pour les mouvements davant-garde. Dune part, la grande libert dexpression garantie par la III Rpublique, la prsence de salons et la commercialisation de lart ouvrirent les portes de nombreux mouvements davant-garde. Grce ceci, de nombreux artistes se sont engags en utilisant de nouvelles techniques qui bouleversaient la conception existante de lart depuis la Renaissance. Parmi les principaux mouvements qui firent cela, nous retrouvons le cubisme. Mais, dans quelle mesure est-ce que le cubisme marque vritablement une rupture dans le monde artistique Pour le voir, nous tudierons les origines du cubisme, ses diffrentes phases et son impacte dans lhistoire de lart. Selon Apollinaire, le cubisme est n en 1907 lors dune rencontre quil suscita entre Picasso et Braque. Pourtant, peu avant cette rencontre, Picasso avait cre Les Demoiselles dAvignon (1906). Il sagit dune uvre qui casse avec toutes les conceptions de lart prexistantes par lclatement de limage sous des formes gomtriques. Par rapport ceci, les trois pres du cubisme tablirent les rgles du mouvement en se fondant sur deux racines principales: luvre de Paul Czanne pour la distribution des formes et lafricanisme, c'estdire lart provenant de lAfrique coloniale. Seul pour certains artistes comme Juan Gris et les artistes, nous pouvons considrer le fauvisme comme inspiration en ce qui concerne les couleurs. Au dbut, Picasso et Braque sinspirent de directement de Czanne dans la mesure quil est un humaniste qui tire de la nature la substanc ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
An Early History of Forensic Entomology, 1300-1900
An Early History of Forensic Entomology, 1300-1900 In recent decades, the use of entomology as a tool in forensic investigations has become fairly routine. The field of forensic entomology has a much longer history than you might suspect, dating all the way back to the 13th century. The First Crime Solved by Forensic Entomology The earliest known case of a crime being solved using insect evidence comes from medieval China. In 1247, the Chinese lawyer Sung Tsu wrote a textbook on criminal investigations called The Washing Away of Wrongs. In his book, Tsu recounts the story of a murder near a rice field. The victim had been slashed repeatedly, and investigators suspected the weapon used was a sickle, a common tool used in the rice harvest. How could the murderer be identified, when so many workers carried these tools? The local magistrate brought all the workers togetherà and told them to lay down their sickles. Though all the tools looked clean, one quickly attracted hordes of flies. The flies could sense the residue of blood and tissue invisible to the human eye. When confronted by this jury of flies, the murderer confessed to the crime. Dispelling the Myth of Spontaneous Generation of Maggots Just as people once thought the world was flat and the Sun revolved around the Earth, people used to think maggots would arise spontaneously out of rotting meat. Italian physician Francesco Redi finally proved the connection between flies and maggots in 1668. Redi compared two groups of meat: the first left exposed to insects, and the second group covered by a barrier of gauze. In the exposed meat, flies laid eggs, which quickly hatched into maggots. On the gauze-covered meat, no maggots appeared, but Redi observed fly eggs on the outer surface of the gauze. Establishing a Relationship Between Cadavers and Arthropods In the 1700 and 1800s, physicians in both France and Germany observed mass exhumations of corpses. The French doctors M. Orfila and C. Lesueur published two handbooks on exhumations, in which they noted the presence of insects on the exhumed cadavers. Some of these arthropods were identified to species in their 1831 publication. This work established a relationship between specific insects and decomposing bodies. Fifty years later, the German doctor Reinhard used a systematic approach to study this relationship. Reinhard exhumed bodies to collect and identify the insects present with the bodies. He specifically noted the presence of phorid flies, which he left to an entomology colleague to identify. Using the Succession of Insects to Determine a Postmortem Interval By the 1800s, scientists knew that certain insects would inhabit decomposing bodies. Interest now turned to the matter of succession. Physicians and legal investigators began questioning which insects would appear first on a cadaver, and what their life cycles could reveal about a crime. In 1855, French doctor Bergeret dArbois was the first to use insect succession to determine the postmortem interval of human remains. A couple remodeling their Paris home uncovered the mummified remains of a child behind the mantelpiece. Suspicion immediately fell on the couple, though they had only recently moved into the house. Bergeret, who autopsied the victim, noted evidence of insect populations on the corpse. Using methods similar to those employed by forensic entomologists today, he concluded that the body had been placed behind the wall years earlier, in 1849. Bergeret used what was known about insect life cycles and successive colonization of a corpse to arrive at this date. His report convinced police to charge the previous tenants of the home, who were subsequently convicted of the murder. French veterinarian Jean Pierre Megnin spent years studying and documenting the predictability of insect colonization in cadavers. In 1894, he published La Faune des Cadavres, the culmination of his medico-legal experience. In it, he outlined eight waves of insect succession that could be applied during investigations of suspicious deaths. Megnin also noted that buried corpses were not susceptible to this same series of colonization. Just two stages of colonization invaded these cadavers. Modern forensic entomology draws on the observations and studies of all these pioneers.
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